Membership in the S.A.L. is open to all male descendants, adopted sons and stepsons of members of The American Legion. Also accepted are any such descendants of veterans who died in service during the eligibility periods set forth in Article IV, Section 1, of the National Constitution of The American Legion or who died subsequent to their honorable discharge from such service. Since the eligibility age begins from date of birth, activities and programs of squadrons are determined by age groups within squadrons and the needs of the community. Just as each Legion post determines the extent of its service to the community, state, and nation, so each squadron is permitted flexibility in planning programs and activities to meet its own needs. The average age of an S.A.L. member is estimated at 33 years of age.
Sons of the American Legion Officers
2017 - 2018
Commander | Bob Allen |
1st Vice Commander | Squadron |
2nd Vice Commander | Don Becker |
Finance Officer | Tommy Armstrong |
Judge Advocate | James Gerke |
Historian | Regis Diethorn |
Chaplain | Jim Donnelly |
Sergeant At Arms | Jim Donnelly |