JULY 2017
Greetings Legionnaires,
Summer is officially here and we have a new slate of officers to lead Post 85 for the next year. I am honored to once again be your commander. We had our Installation ceremony on Saturday the 24th of June with much of the 17th District Leadership in attendance. There was good food, good drink and much conversation as we celebrated the installation of the various new leadership teams.
We will not have a meeting in July but will start our regular and executive meetings again on August 15th with the executive meeting at 1830 followed by the general membership meeting at 1900. I look forward to seeing more of you at our general meetings this year. I know that nobody likes meetings, but this is your chance to meet your leadership team as well as other post members who you probably haven’t seen in quite awhile. It is only through your involvement that our post will continue to prosper.
I hope you have a very enjoyable and safe summer.
For God and Country,
Eric Clinton
Commander, Post 85
Parking in the Post 85 Lot
Parking in the Post 85 Lot is for the use of Post 85 members while visiting the Post Home while the Post home is open. We have limited parking and cannot support off hours use of the Parking lot by every member. Being a member of Post 85 does not grant you the right to park in the Post 85 lot during off hours. As in the past, any use of the Parking lot during off hours requires permission by the Post 85 Executive Committee/House Committee. This permission has always been and will continue to be granted on a case by case basis and is generally granted to those members who actively participate and actively contribute to the well-being and continuing growth of our Post. This has always been Post 85’s “past practice” and we are only reiterating it now as a reminder. If you have any questions please seek out the House Chairman for clarification.
You are late if your membership card doesn’t have the year 2017 on it. It is way past time to renew as the 2018 notices will be going out next month. Don’t lose your consecutive years of membership. Renew NOW! You can leave your dues with the bartender at the post.
Thanks for all you do,
Art Merat
1st Vice Commander
Welcome to the new SAL officers, and I hope our members enjoyed installation day. I want SAL members to come to our next meeting so we can make plans for the upcoming year. This can only work if members come in and give input, so please come and help make our Post great! We do need someone to help with membership, so if anyone can help we’ll appreciate any help we can get. The Department Convention is coming up on July 13-16, 2017 at the Dulles Hilton Hotel. I hope you have a great summer.
Our next SAL meeting will be on August 16th at 7:00pm.
For God and Country,
Bob Allen
SAL Commander
Auxiliary News
It is time to start our new year. The installation of officers for the 2017-2018 year was June 24 and we have a couple of new faces on our list of officers this year. I'm sure we will have a very good year as usual. The 2017 Girls State session also ended on June 24 and all of the girls were returned to their parent safe and sound. Of course, they will probably sleep for the next week. We are now gearing up for the Department Convention which will be July 13-16, 2017 at the Dulles Hilton Hotel. Any Auxiliary member in good standing can attend but must pay a registration fee to attend any of the meetings. There are also various activities Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. If anyone is interested in attending, let me know so we can get your name turned in. The meetings will be held on Friday and Saturday with the installation of the new Department President on Sunday morning. After the convention is over, we will be taking a break until August 21 when we will start our monthly meetings again. Enjoy your summer and we'll see you in August.
For God and Country
Edna Eagle
President, Unit 85
Military veterans and the next of kin of deceased former military veterans may now use an online National Personnel Records Center system to request documents. Other individuals must still complete the “Standard Form 180”, which can be downloaded from the internet. Both submission methods are available at: http://vetrecs.archives.gov. This system provides a portal to discharge documents. If you need assistance, contact the Post Service Officer and he will assist you in any way possible.
Post Membership Meeting August 15th at 7:00pm
SAL Membership Meeting August 16th at 7:00pm
Auxiliary Membership Meeting August 21st at 7:00pm
You can view this newsletter and see other pertinent information on our website https://gbmpost85.tripod.com/
We have members who are currently “in harm’s way” deployed around the world. There is a box in the social quarters so that you can make donations of the following items that we will box-up and send to those members:
Hand sanitizer, toothbrushes, travel meds (Tylenol), baby wipes, pens, paper, “AA” batteries, zip lock bags, Beef Jerky, boot cleaner, disposable razors, deodorant, lip balm, playing cards, men’s and women’s underwear and socks (all sizes)
Please remember our deployed troops while you are out shopping at the warehouse stores.
In an effort to reduce the cost of printing and mailing, we would appreciate it if anyone who has access to email please furnish your name and email address to us at the Post or you can send an email to glemnah@yahoo.com to be included. The newsletter will be emailed to you. You can be assured that we will not give out or sell your information for any reason at any time.